Complete Structured Water Kit

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Digital Distiller, Vortexer, Hydrogen Flask, 100g Electrolyte salt & Mineral Stick

Start making your very own structured water! This is our Complete Structured Water Kit - Distiller - Water Structuring Vortexer - Hydrogen Water Imprinter - 100g of mineral salt Electrolyte.  - a Water Bullet with multiple minerals. This is everything you need to get started. 

At birth your brain can be almost 95% water. Our body should have a percentage of 86% water but we rarely do. Most of us are barely 63%! Therefore it stands to reason to target our efforts to heal the whole body by means of our water content and condition.


Using salts that contain chloride may produce a chorine odour when using the hydrogen flask.

Many salts eg. Pink Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt or table salt contain sodium chloride. We do not advise the use of these due to the potential risk of creating chlorine. The electrolytes we recommend are Epsom Salts. DO NOT USE tap water as this may contain chlorine and other chemicals.

The Kit includes the following items -:

1 X 4 ltr 750 watt stainless steel distiller.

1 X 450 ml  Hydrogen ionising Ph flask.

1 X neodymium magnetised vortex flask (our Latest upgraded model) with shungite/magnetite pyramids and copper coil

1 pack of finely powdered electrolyte

1 X pH bullet with essential minerals including far-red.

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