Hydrogen-Rich Water Bottle 440ml
Energy Boosting -Detox- Healing the whole body
Manufactures Turbo-charged Hydrogen 1000-2000 ppm Water in Just 3 Minutes! Energy Boost -Detox- Healing for the Whole Body. We recommend drinking at least three of these flasks of ionised water per day.
- Enhance sthe immune system
- Promotes blood circulation
- Promotes gastrointestinal motility
- Eliminates nervous tension
- Reduces blood sugar
- Treatment of rheumatoid joints
- Prevent blood vessel blockages
- Resistance to ultraviolet
Why could hydrogen rich water improve health?
As we all know, the body is composed of cells, human disease can eventually be attributed to cell damage, human ageing is also due to cell ageing or necrosis caused. The main culprit in causing cell ageing is excess oxygen free radicals. The main effect of oxygen is antioxidant, hydrogen atoms combined with reactive oxygen species reduced to water excreted.
Platinum and titanium alloy electrolytic tablets
Water evenly wrapped in hydrogen molecules, promotes hydrogen uptake and creates a stable combination, with high hydrogen concentration.
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