Wild Mycelized Oregano Oil

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Wild Mycelized Oregano Oil - Mixes with water and other water based ointments and creams

Contains 86% carvacol an amazing healing solution.  Medicinal herb Oregano, used for centuries in dental hygiene and prophylactics of respiratory infections create effective all-natural cleansing mouthwash with spicy herbal flavour . Is known to help in the treatment of "Morgellons" fibre diseases and fungal/parasite infestations. Also candida and skin disorders. Helps to eliminate fungal skin infestations as well as toenail fungus.

It can be added to various drinks such as orange juice, milk, water and many other fruit drinks. Also recommended for the treatment of "lymes" disease.

Oregano is obtained by steam distillation of whole herbs. It contains whole spectrum of herbal constituents such as carvacrol, one of the most potent natural substances known, thymol, natural phenols etc. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions in Greece free of pollution. Extracted from the leaves of the wild oregano plant . They are picked precisely when the plant is highest in essential oil. Being wild, it is grown with no chemicals. A special distillation process is used to extract the essential oil from the plant. MYCELIZED WILD OIL OF OREGANO - THE WATER SOLUBLE TYPE This means that it completely dissolves in all liquids!!!!


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